The archaeobotanical study of the Neolithic settlements of Gadachrili Gora and Shulaveri Gora enriched the knowledge of the Shulaveri-Shomu-Tepe culture. In that period, people began to grow grains, vine, legumes and other important plants in the adjacent environment and started to transfer to a new type of farming - crop farming. Typical identification of labor tools and plants revealed from the cultural layers of these residential buildings has enabled us to estimate the level of agriculture.
Pips of domesticated vines (Vitis vinifera sativa) were found in the soil of the sqr.-3, loc.-37 serial-2050 sample of Gadachrili Gora. Two pips were found altogether. Their characteristics were similar to those of the cultivated grapevine. The pips have been found together with the seeds of non-carbonated plants and it is possible that rodents or insects may have carried them down. Their good state of preservation also raises doubts.
The archaeobotanical study of the Neolithic settlements also indicated the intensive farming activity. The existence of grains of naked wheat in Gadachrili Gora attests that the agriculture was past its initial stage of development. The archaeological botanical material from Shulaveri Gora does not allow conclusions to be made yet due to little work carried out in the settlement.